5 Ways Our Nutrition Plan Helps Our Athletes

By Thomas Dennis III   

    Here at Limitless Training, we are tasked with providing our athletes with not only the training they need, but also an important Nutrional diet. In this post, we will be discussing the 5 ways our nutrition plan helps our athletes get the support they need.

1.Provides Needed Energy

    Our nutrition plans ensure that our athletes receive the energy they need to get through their day. This energy is provided to our athletes via carbohydrates. Carbohydrates help our athletes to continue their workouts, which can last for more than an hour, without losing energy. During workouts, our athletes will drink up to 10 ounces of sports drinks every 15-20 minutes. This keeps them from burning out during the session. The primary source of their carbohydrates come from fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains instead of bread and pasta.

2.Keeps Them Hydrated

    We make sure to include plenty of fluids within our athletes' Nutrional intake. During their intense training session, much sweating occurs which can lead to dehydration. Our athletes are given water and sports drinks containing glucose to keep them hydrated.

3. Improves Muscle-Building

    Our athlete's nutrition plan contains protein. While protein does not give much energy to the body, it is important for muscle building. We use sources of high-quality proteins such as eggs, fish, lean-meats, nuts, and poultry. Our nutrition plan makes sure to limit the number of proteins our athletes' intake as too much protein could harm their kidneys.

4. Includes Mealtimes

It is important to make sure our athletes get their proper intakes at the right times for maximum benefits. We have included mealtimes for our athletes to make sure they receive their Nutrional intake at the right times. For instance, our plan may have an athlete eat a meal before or after a workout to give them the nutrients they need prior to the workout or replenish them after the workout.

5.Tailored to the Athlete's Sport

Each of our nutrition plans are designed to fit the sport our athletes participate in to aid in their pursuits. Our bodybuilders receive more protein and musclebuilding nutrients while our runners receive more carbohydrates and energy-based nutrients within their diet. These small changes to a diet can make or break an athletes training regime and it is important that we get it right.
